The heritaccess logo shows a circle in two lines with different dark shapes between like the top of a wine barrel. Inside the circle are a wine grape with leaves and grapes on the right side above a lettering heritaccess and calligraphy from H and A on the left side. The color is purple.


Access to culture and heritage in rural surroundings through the interactive digital experience

This picture contains of the european flag on the left and the title Co-funded by the European Union' on the right.

Wine Tradition in Slovenia

Explore the 360° Panoramic Tour

This is the dedicated low barrier mode for screenreader usage. The 360 degree panoramic pictures are replaced by detailed alternative texts. These texts are available as plain text and as an audio file spoken by a real person. 

The structure of each picture is heading, audio file and textual description.

In the vineyards

The image presents a panoramic view of a serene rural landscape, rich with natural beauty and rustic charm. On the picture there is panoramic sweep, showing the rural area under different shades of twilight. The homes and buildings spread across the landscape speak of a close-knit community living amidst nature. The presence of utility poles subtly indicates modern infrastructure threading through the countryside. In the continuation of the image, we are led along a gravel road that cuts through lush vineyards, speaking to the agricultural richness of the area. Moving on across the image, the perspective shifts to a wide-angle view of the surrounding countryside as evening approaches. A fence meanders along the rolling hills, sectioning off patches of land and leading the eye toward a residential area in the backdrop, under the soft, fading light of the sky transitioning from day to night. 

A pastoral homestead in vineyards

The image gives us a close-up view of a pastoral homestead. A weathered wooden door, graced with a horseshoe for luck, is nestled into a plastered white wall that gleams under the sun. A functional, well-used barbecue grill sits beside a wooden bench, inviting gatherings and outdoor meals. To the side, a traditional broom and a modern garden hose coexist, symbolizing the blend of old and new ways of life. The image also offers a broader view of the homestead, where the door is accompanied by a vintage wine press, hinting at the artisanal crafts of the region. The gravel and stone landscaping around the building complement the natural greenery that peeks from the edges, suggesting a lifestyle that's closely tied to the land. The rows of grapevines are neatly trellised, curving with the landscape's contours, while the background reveals a broader view of the fertile region, a valley known for viticulture. The final part of the image in the series complete the panorama, showcasing the expansive sky above the vineyards, dotted with clouds casting shadows over the verdant slopes. The horizon stretches wide, with distant mountains creating a dramatic backdrop to this picturesque setting.

The anteroom of the wine cellar

The image offers an intimate look into a rustic wine cellar, rich in tradition and old-world charm. The panorama presents a narrative of a space dedicated to the appreciation and storage of wine, suggesting a deep-rooted cultural significance of viticulture in this region. The image opens into a cozy corner of the cellar. The eye is immediately drawn to the arched alcoves filled with wine bottles, showcasing a collection that speaks to the rich heritage of winemaking. The room is warmly lit, casting a soft glow that highlights the textured walls and wooden beams. A circular wooden table stands ready for tasting sessions, surrounded by stools that invite one to sit and savour. The cellar seems to extend into another room, as indicated by the open doorway, suggesting a larger space dedicated to the enjoyment of wine. Following the image reveals more of the wine collection, with bottles stored in neat rows that curve along the wall, a testament to meticulous care and organization. The word "SLOVENIA," prominently displayed, proudly claims the cellar's national heritage. The inclusion of a coat rack and personal items hints at a space that is frequented by connoisseurs and guests, further emphasized by a striking blue door that stands ajar, leading to other areas of the cellar. Following the image presents a different perspective of the entryway, where rustic wooden doors, a hat, and a red cloak hang on pegs, creating a vivid image of the people who might pass through this space. The worn texture of the doors and the white walls, speckled with the patina of age, offer a palpable sense of history and stories contained within these walls. Finally, the image captures a quaint washbasin corner, juxtaposing the rustic charm with the necessity of modern amenities. A mirror, framed in dark wood, reflects a piece of the room, giving us a glimpse of the ceiling and further enhancing the sense of space in the cellar. As a whole, the panorama tells a story of a wine cellar that is much more than just a storage space. It is a place of gathering, tasting, and celebrating a deeply rooted wine culture. The earthy tones, the play of light, and the careful arrangement of the wine bottles all contribute to an atmosphere that is both inviting and steeped in tradition. This is a space where time seems to stand still, and every element—from the terracotta floor tiles to the aged wooden doors—tells a part of the rich narrative of winemaking and enjoyment.

The modern wine cellar

The image depicts a traditional wine cellar, combining rustic aesthetics with modern winemaking techniques. The panorama of the cellar unfolds a story of wine's journey from grape to bottle. In the image, we see a large wooden barrel beautifully carved with a depiction of a man holding grape bunches, symbolizing the ancient art of winemaking. The barrel sits in front of a stone wall, indicative of traditional cellars used for wine storage. Modern stainless-steel tanks stand beside the barrel, reflecting the integration of contemporary methods. A humorous sign stating "Save Water Drink WINE" adds a touch of levity to the scene. The cellar's ambiance is warm, with overhead wooden beams contributing to the cozy feel. The image in the continuation provides a wider view of the cellar. The large wooden barrel remains the focal point, with more steel tanks surrounding it. The tanks are equipped with gauges and valves, showcasing the precision involved in modern winemaking. The cellar's stone walls and terracotta tiles give it a timeless feel, while the modern air conditioning unit suggests concern for maintaining the perfect temperature for wine preservation. Moving on over the image, we're shown a different angle of the cellar. This shot includes a glimpse of a wooden door, possibly leading to other parts of the cellar or the vineyard outside. The steel tanks are still visible, and a small window high on the wall provides natural light and a connection to the world outside. This corner of the cellar feels more private and secluded, possibly used for special reserves or private tastings. The last part of the image completes the panorama by bringing us back towards the entry, with the wooden barrel now to the side and the steel tanks dominating the view. A decorative wine glass-shaped sign hangs on the wall, indicating different wine varieties. This image conveys the blend of tradition and modernity that characterizes the entire space. Overall, the panoramic view of the wine cellar tells a story of heritage, craftsmanship, and the evolution of winemaking. The space is rich with history, yet fully equipped for contemporary production, creating a bridge between the past and present of oenology.

The old wine cellar

These images provide an atmospheric view into a rustic, stone-walled wine cellar, where the time-honoured tradition of winemaking is palpable in every corner. The first scene introduces us to the space through a narrow opening, revealing a glimpse of the ancient world within. We see sturdy wooden barrels resting on their sides, containing wine that is aging to perfection. The stone walls, rough and untouched, speak to the cellar’s age and the history it has witnessed. A single window with iron bars casts natural light, illuminating an old wooden wheelbarrow and a traditional wine press, which are reminders of the hands-on approach to winemaking. Advancing through the image, the perspective shifts to provide a more comprehensive view of the cellar's interior. A series of wine bottles are displayed in a brick-built alcove, emphasizing the cellar's dual function as a storage and showcase area for the wine. The ambiance is warm and inviting, with candlelight providing a soft glow that enhances the textured stones and wooden beams of the ceiling. Image also offers a wider panorama of the cellar, revealing a cozy nook with more wine bottles arranged in a bespoke brick shelf. The candles continue to add a romantic and historical feel, and we can now see the clever use of space within the alcoves for storing wine. This view highlights the seamless blend of form and function, where every element in the cellar serves a purpose without detracting from the overall aesthetic. In the final part of image, we are treated to a scene that could be straight out of a storybook. The cellar opens up to reveal a more personal setting, with a round wooden table adorned with a candlestick holder, a wine glass half full, and a platter with cheese and cured meats, ready for a tasting. The barrels, wine bottles, and candles create an intimate atmosphere that invites one to sit, relax, and enjoy the fruits of the winemaker's labor. The panorama transports the viewer into a world where time slows down, and the simple pleasures of life are savored. The cellar is both a testament to winemaking traditions and a sanctuary where one can escape to indulge in sensory delights.